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Writer's pictureDr. Kevin Rehak

Are These Trees the Same Color?

In this fascinating color illusion, you might be surprised to find that the two pine trees are actually the same shade of green. At first glance, it may appear that the tree on the right is darker than the one on the left, but a closer inspection will reveal that this is not the case. This illusion showcases the incredible power of context on our perception of color.

In this fascinating color illusion, you might be surprised to find that the two pine trees are actually the same shade of green. At first glance, it may appear that the tree on the right is darker than the one on the left, but a closer inspection will reveal that this is not the case. This illusion showcases the incredible power of context on our perception of color.

Its fascinating to see how our brains can be tricked. In this particular illusion, the context of the surrounding colors influences our perception of the shade of the trees. Our perception of color is not fixed. In fact, it can be influenced by a wide range of factors, including lighting, the colors around an object, and even our emotional state.


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